"Cyberbullying" A form of bullying or harassment using electronic means. 

Cyberbullying can take so many different forms. Sending mean or threatening messages, emails, photos or video clips, posting nasty messages to social networking sites, message boards, or chat rooms, setting up fake profiles to say bad things about someone or accessing someone’s account repeatedly to make trouble for them are all part of what constitutes bullying online.  It’s important to remember: cyberbullying is not a problem of technology, it’s a behavioral issue. A personal accountability of how we are evolving in this media age.
When people engage in cyberbullying, it proves effective because the perpetrator doesn’t have to physically confront their victim. They can hide behind an anonymous username and proceed to bully someone who might never have any idea who is doing such a horrible thing to them.

This anonymity can create many more potential targets, and might even embolden those who would never dream of bullying someone in the more traditional sense. I've grown to realize most cyberbullies have limited or no social skills nor do they generally possess the ability to resolve conflict in a mature manner. So being able to hide behind  their electronic devices can provide a sort of empowerment to the powerless.
Whatever the NAME the behavior is the SAME


